The Science Behind Vision Boards

A 2021 study reports that nearly 64% of people give up on New Year’s resolutions by the end of January, which is why a vision board is more effective. 

Researchers from Edith Cowan University say two in three people give up on their resolutions by January 31st. About half of the survey participants had the same, or very similar, resolutions for 2021 as they did entering 2020, unlike the results you get when using a vision board correctly.

Our dreams and goals give our lives meaning, provide us with purpose, and keep us passionate and motivated. Our vision of what we want to achieve in life gives us the courage and strength to keep going in difficult times and fuels our determination to succeed in facing adversity.

Vision Boards Prime Your Brain to Recognize Opportunity

Vision Board Event February 5th in the Poconos!

Some people call them mood boards, action boards, or journey boards, but whatever you want to call them, they are any size or shape, with pictures, words, and phrases from magazines that represent the life you want to live over the next year.

But it’s not just a board with pictures and words. It’s an inspirational, motivational, aspirational tool to push you toward your goals, dreams, and aspirations over the next 12 months. The timeframe is deliberate: it focuses the mind and makes plans much more achievable.

Typically, when you try something new, the body has a stress response, releasing cortisol and adrenaline. In other words, new things can be scary. However, when you repeatedly look at images related to your goals, your brain no longer sees them as new.

The process reduces the physiological fear response to any new situation or person, making you more likely to take healthy risks, collaborate, and embrace the opportunity.”


What happens in the brain while creating the vision board during the event is a ‘positive emotion booster.’ Simply going through the process step-by-step to produce the board, which involves journaling, meditation, writing, and creating, provides a positive emotional space that energizes the brain.

Of course, vision boards alone don’t get you to your goals. You have to be prepared to put in the effort.

But don’t let this stop you from thinking big.

If you consistently visualize or contemplate a future idea, it will become a reality for your brain. Your brain will form a new neural pathway and create deliberate behaviors that make that vision more attainable. 

When you use your vision board, you will notice how your brain will develop creative and innovative ideas for achieving your vision. You’d be amazed at how it will fuel your passion and drive to live your dream and keep it top of mind.

If your vision is to become rich or famous, find true love or provide a good life for your family, a vision board can bring you closer to your dreams. 

The beauty of a vision board is that you can customize it to fit any vision or aspiration.

Creating a vision board is easy, enjoyable, and costs very little ā€” but the results can transform your life!